Contribute to WUPR

What Can I Contribute?

Most WUPR articles are op-ed pieces, allowing WashU students to voice their opinion on the issues they are passionate about. We also welcome feature submissions for writers who want to express their ideas in other forms. Previous features have included articles with accompanying artwork, creative non-fiction, poetry, stylized data, and more!

We live by our motto, “everything is political.” While each issue is centered around a theme, we always include sections on national and international politics. Whatever you want to write about, from current events and campus life to history and philosophy, there’s a place for your work in our magazine.

How To Submit for WUPR

All submissions to WUPR must follow our template, linked here. The template allows our writers to follow our submission guidelines while giving our team all of the information we need to publish your article. If you are interested in submitting a feature, please use our feature template.

Articles are due at midnight on Sundays after the second GBM for each issue cycle. Please send all submissions to Each submission will be assigned to one of WUPR’s staff editors, who will give feedback ahead of the final draft deadline the following Sunday.