Yet Another Feminist Friday


If you think Romney’s economic plan is complicated (I’m looking at you, Herman Cain), just wait until you get to female anatomy. Romney recently emphasized that he would fully support a Constitutional amendment defining conception as the beginning of life. However, the distinction between conception (i.e. sperm meets egg) and implantation (zygote attaches to uterine wall) is key: not only would the proposed amendment unequivocally ban abortion, it would also ban hormonal birth control which prevents pregnancy by inhibiting implantation, not conception. Given that the Pope only condones condoms for male prostitutes, it looks like the 10 million American women who use hormonal birth control are SOL.


This female protestor has her priorities right.

Occupy Wall Street hit even greater heights of visibility this week with the launch of Apparently feminism is not among OWS’s pastiche of progressive pet projects (many things about the movement draw my ire, but alliteration is not one of them). Obviously, the sexualization of protestors is not a new phenomenon; even Gloria Steinem freely admits that being conventionally attractive was helpful in spreading her message. However, the site itself fluctuates wildly from respectful and empowering to full-on objectifying, typically depending upon the hotness of the chick in question.


Phil Mitsch

Mr. Mitsch, you clearly did not understand that only this man can further propagate gender roles and get away with it.

Sounding strangely like an Usher/Ludacris collaboration, New Jersey state senate candidate Phil Mitsch decided to offer some unsolicited advice via Twitter to women looking to maintain their relationship status: “Women, you increase your odds of keeping your men by being faithful, a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom.” In his defense, he also urges men to be “a gentleman in the living room and a stud in the bedroom,” so maybe the real issue is just our lack of derogatory sexual epithets for men.

After Wienergate, we were all left wondering what it is about the legislative branch made wildly inappropriate sexual use of Twitter seem acceptable. Now it appears that this trait is predictive of electoral success, rather than a product thereof.



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28 October 2011 at 9:11 AM

Pretty insightful. Thanks!

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dsl vergleich und Vergleich

30 October 2011 at 6:49 PM

You’re pretty off base if you think the Catholic Church supports the use of condoms. If you read the entire interview, the Pope said that they could potentially be used as a preventative measure against spreading infections, such as HIV (common among male prostitutes). However, the Church does not condone prostitution, and the Pope admits that the Church “…of course does not see it [condom use] as a real and moral solution.” Use of condom’s by prostitutes “can be a first step on the way to another, more humane sexuality,” even though condoms are “not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection.”

30 October 2011 at 10:55 PM

Thanks for the feminism update. It’s unfortunate how many male politicians don’t have their facts straight on female health issues. I find it surprising that I haven’t heard more from female politicians about these topics. What kind of coverage do they receive?

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