VP Debate Live Blog: The Token Republican

UPDATE 10/13/2012: I’ve been meaning to get to this sooner, but at least I’ve had a few days to think after hearing the typical “Biden won big” phrases in the Wash U community before I offered my post debate reaction. Throughout the much of the debate, I thought Paul Ryan was embarrassing Joe Biden. Paul Ryan attacked on key questions and came out unscathed on some key issues, while Biden attacked to the point where he looked like an angry town drunk. At 8:30 pm, I compared this debate to the famous Nixon v. Kennedy debate in 1960. Ryan played the role of JFK: the charismatic younger challenger who was assertive, confident, and professional throughout the debate. Biden played the role of Nixon: the older, sickly looking face of the establishment. The big difference this time around was that Biden is not representing a popular establishment. Back in 1960, Dwight D. Eisenhower had approval ratings north of 60% while President Obama, who is not unpopular, is now trailing Mitt “flip-flop” Romney in the Real Clear Politics national average poll.

But having time to react to the debate, I can’t call the debate a clear Paul Ryan victory. Joe Biden crafted the perfect answer to the question about women’s reproductive health, played the role of attack dog almost a little too well, and mixed in some classic smiles.I still think Ryan won (and a CNN “Republican leaning” poll agrees with me), but Biden finished strong. In the end, I don’t think either Romney or Obama will see a bounce in the polls from this debate.


9:30: Ryan’s closing statement. Obama is not working. “Mitt Romney and I will not duck the tough issues.”

9:29: Biden’s closing statement. Ending a weak performance by mentioning Romney’s 47% gaffe while not offering anything of substance.

9:28: What a dumb question: “If you’re elected, what would you give to this country as a human being that no one else could?”

9:27: Biden, “I hope I will get equal time.” Biden has talked for 2 minutes more than Ryan

9:25: Ryan spitting out statistics, Biden spitting out his dentures.

9:23: I don’t get it, is abortion the only issue that matters to young women? Being realistic, Rowe v. Wade is not getting overturned anytime soon.

9:21: Biden needs to shut up about Supreme Court justices. He lies about Obama’s picks but harshly criticizes Justice Scalia. I could just as easily rant about Kagan and Sotomayor.

9:19: Ryan clearly articulates a Romney administration’s position on abortion.

9:18: Biden FTW on abortion. He is personally pro-life, but won’t enforce his beliefs on others. This is exactly what Republicans need to say.

9:16: These last few minutes may derail Ryan’s chance to win.

9:15: Ryan’s big gaffe of the night. Using the words “reason” and “science” when talking about abortion.


9:13: Ryan is very critical of Russia. Maybe Putin will rig our election for Obama

9:11: Lets get back to discussing what people care about: the ECONOMY.

9:09: 2:1 odds that Obama decides to support the legalization of marijuana following this debate. #NothingToDoWithAfghanistan

9:05: Biden has become a stereotypical angry drunk.

9:03: “Step up” – Joe Biden to Afghanistan. “Step up” – Me to Joe Biden

9:01: However, Biden is willing to risk all progress we have made in Afghanistan by giving the Afghan government sole control over the country’s national security. How can we trust some of the most inept people to prevent terrorism and the Taliban?

8:59: Biden makes his first good point of the night. We entered Afghanistan to capture Osama Bin Laden and those who have killed Americans.

8:57: Put Biden’s face on a cigarette ad and no kids will ever smoke.

8:55: I need a drink (or a dozen) to get on Biden’s level.

8:53: How can anyone argue that Mitt Romney has not been able to work with Democrats? He was governor of one of the most liberal states in the country.

8:51: Biden, WHAT?

8:49: Biden claims Republicans are holding middle class tax cuts hostage in order to keep the wealthy’s taxes lower. People need to understand the consequences of raising taxes. Letting the Bush tax cuts expires affects nearly everyone!

8:45: Biden tries to scare, Ryan tries to convince. I think Americans will realize this and vote for Romney.

8:42: As you can see, I haven’t blogged too much about policy. At this point, nearly everything both candidates say are half-truths.

8:40: Can Biden keep his mouth shut when Ryan is speaking?

8:38: Biden simply comes across as unsympathetic and cold. Paul Ryan is energetic and bold.

8:35: Ryan is making a very convincing and articulate argument for his Medicare plan. This is where Biden should go on the attack.

8:33: I really enjoy watching the Undecided Voters graph: Nearly every time Biden speaks, undecided voters have negative opinions.

8:31: Not politically, but Biden looks sickly while Ryan is lively.

8:30: Biden = Nixon, Ryan = JFK. I almost feel bad for the Democrats…

8:29: “Sometimes, words don’t come out of your mouth the right way” – Paul Ryan for the win

8:28: Biden laughs when Ryan says taxes for small business won’t be raised. I bet Obama wishes he chose Hilary to be his VP.

8:26: Biden talks for 3 minutes and doesn’t answer how the Dems would get unemployment below 6%.

8:24: I cant believe it took 24 minutes for Biden to mention Romney’s 47% gaffe

8:23: Despite him being a liberal, I’d drink with Biden any day of the week.

8:21: Yes, the sanctions against Iran have affected their economy, but they have not stopped Iran from attempting to produce a nuclear weapon. It is tough to say that Iran is “totally isolated,” especially when you consider that Iraq and Syria are still their allies.

8:16: Biden referring to Iran’s nuclear weapon capabilities, “They are a good way away.” Isn’t that what we said four years ago?

8:14: When Biden mockingly laughs when Ryan talks, it makes him look unprofessional and stupid. This debate may be over already.

8:12: Ryan with a perfect answer to a question designed to make him look bad. “We should not apologize for our values”

8:10: When Biden smiles, he looks like a goofball. However, Ryan needs to be careful on attacking Obama’s foreign policy. Despite the assassination of Chris Stevens, Obama has been a fairly uncontroversial commander in chief.

8:07: Paul Ryan is hammering Biden right from the get-go.

8:02: VP candidates introduced. Biden to open first. Topic: Libya. Advantage to the GOP

7:25: That being said, I expect a draw in tonight’s debate. Paul Ryan is a very intelligent politician while Joe Biden is a very experienced debater. Biden unsuccessfully ran for president in 1987 and then again in 2007, so he is no stranger to the big stage. I expect Biden to be aggressive and attack Ryan on both social and economic issues. Democrats believe that they have an advantage when it comes to abortion and gay marriage, while Paul Ryan’s budget plan and strong opinions on medicare will provide Biden with attack fodder.  However, a typical Joe Biden gaffe could effectively erase any successes, resulting in a Ryan win.

7:17 CST: Tonight, budget warrior Paul Ryan takes on the incumbent vice president Joe Biden. I’ve heard varying expectations of  the outcome this debate, but it is important to recognize that the vice president has little to no political power. Whatever Mr. Biden and Mr. Ryan debate tonight will not matter in the grand scheme of things. Thus, I don’t expect the debate to have much influence on the election.


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