Consider the Cruzibuster

BY KEVIN DEUTSCHTed_Cruz_by_Gage_Skidmore_2

So the liberals in this country blew their stacks when Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) read Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs & Ham as a part of his filibuster of a cloture vote on the continuing resolution to fund the federal government. All over the media pundits cried that he didn’t understand the story, because the book is about an unnamed narrator who hates something he’s never tried—they were implying healthcare is the “green eggs and ham,” while he’s the unnamed narrator.

Consider this: perhaps the unnamed narrator, for Senator Cruz, symbolizes American liberals, who won’t give conservative ideas of limited government a try. Since the days of FDR, liberals have shoved entitlements down the throats of the American people, with no regard for their future. They’ve bastardized Keynesianism and spent on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid when we didn’t need it. They made temporary relief programs into permanent solutions. Never have they considered that there’s a point where our country simply can’t take any more wild spending.

The knee-jerk response of liberals is that their outrageous spending wouldn’t be a problem if we simply raised taxes on the rich. Even raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans by 50% wouldn’t solve the budget deficits our entitlement programs create.

And now, liberals want to subject the American people to Obamacare, a program that has already driven small businesses across the country out of business. For them, enough is not yet enough. Although Obamacare is not an entitlement in the same sense as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, it functions as one nonetheless.

Senator Cruz obviously knew his filibuster was doomed from the start. But for 21 hours, he stood at the podium and fought for sane spending; fought for the green eggs and ham that liberals won’t try.

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