What is WUPR?

Washington University Political Review (WUPR) is the university’s premier publication devoted to politics. Written, edited, and managed entirely by undergraduate students, WUPR’s monthly issues analyze current events, politics, culture, and just about everything else at the university, local, national, and international levels.

Get Involved

During the school year, WUPR holds two general body meetings each month in the Print Media Center, located on the third floor of the Danforth University Center. These meetings are open to all Washington University undergraduates, whether you want to contribute to the upcoming issue or simply discuss current events with fellow students. Contact us to be added to our email list or join our GroupMe!

Our Policy

The views and opinions expressed in articles published by the Washington University Political Review, in print and online, are those of the author alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the Washington University Political Review, Washington University in St. Louis, or any individuals therein. WUPR as an organization takes no positions beyond those concerning its own institutional integrity.




Harvey Media Center, DUC 3rd Floor

