Author / Alaina Baumohl

Alaina Baumohl ‘23 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences She can be reached at
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  • Book Bans are Back

    By Alaina Baumohl, Editor-in-ChiefArtwork by Eric Kim, Assistant Design Director The Wentzville School District, a county 30 miles west of St. Louis, recently made national headlines for banning Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” supposedly due to passages containing incest and child rape. In response, the ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of two students. It argued that…

  • Racism Knows No Boundaries

    Instead of doing Zoom classes from my dorm this semester, I decided to spend time working on a small, organic farm near Yellville, Arkansas. Yellville is about five hours from my hometown of St. Louis and just past the southern Missouri border.  On the evening of my first full day at the farm, it was…

  • A Guide to Action in Response to the Murder of George Floyd

    On Monday May 25th, George Floyd died shortly after being arrested and pinned to the ground by officer Derek Chauvin’s knee. The four officers involved in the incident (Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, and J. Alexander Kueng) were all fired shortly after a video of the incident went viral on social media. Derek Chauvin…

  • White-Washing in the Climate Movement

    Since 1979, researchers have had evidence that increased carbon dioxide emissions will raise average global temperatures by several degrees. Over the past four decades, scientists have continued to sound the alarm on the need to dramatically reduce human emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Environmental activists have worked tirelessly to advocate for stricter emissions…