Author / Andrew Leung

Andrew Leung ‘22 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at
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  • Voted blue or red? How about…green?

    By Andrew Leung   image provided by Free SVG under the Creative Commons License Browsing the New York Times, I came across an interesting interactive article titled "If America Had Six Political Parties, Which One Would You Belong To?" The article asked 20 questions on a variety of political issues and matches the reader with…
  • Helping our Community in a Post COVID-19 World

    In 2020, the world has turned into what could serve as a backdrop to a dystopian science fiction novel I read in middle school. Unnaturally quiet metropolitan hubs, shuttered retail businesses, and empty school campuses are now the norm, as well as overwhelmed hospitals and long grocery lines. And while there isn’t an alien invasion…

  • (Re)building an Olympics Host City

    On August 26th, 2016, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo emerged from a green pipe donning Nintendo’s Mario costume, signaling the closing of the Rio Olympics and a glimpse into Tokyo 2020. Viewers were amazed at the technological advancements and cultural heritage that Japan would present under the global spotlight, and for the most part, the world…

  • Down Wind: Pollution and Discrimination

    At Midnight one Tuesday, I was working on Calculus when a GroupMe notification drew my attention. Apparently, my suite was on fire. Or at least, the smell of smoke had permeated most of Rutledge and may have been from my suite. Opening the door, I immediately discerned a smoky, almost metallic odor filling the space.…