Author / Anirudh Kesanapally

Anirudh Kesanapally ‘24 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. He/ can be reached at
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  • Mental Health Awareness in Wake of COVID-19

    Mental Health Awareness in Wake of COVID-19 By Ani Kesanapally Artwork by Lea Despotis, Design Lead Politicians are under constant scrutiny to better represent their constituency. In the United States alone, these constituencies vary in demographics and classifications from people of color to white people, rural to urban, religious to atheist, and a myriad of…
  • A New Decade, and a New Cold War

    The year 1950 signified a new decade in geopolitics. With the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the struggle between democracy and communism took full effect. The new world order reigned supreme, with both the U.S. and Soviet Russia at its helms. Yet elsewhere, in Asia, two future superpowers were taking shape. That…