Author / Aruni Soni

Aruni Soni, ‘23 studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. He can be reached at
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  • The Iraqi Impasse

    Unbeknownst to you, dear reader, quarantined in the shelter of your home, is that about seven thousand miles away, in Iraq, there exist a throng of apoplectic protesters refusing to return to the sanctuary of their homes because they have yet to triumph in a battle; a battle against systemic corruption, sectarian auspices, and political…

  • The Return of the Yellow Vests

    If the title above sounded more like an 80s action movie, or a squad of superheroes in yet another dystopian universe, it most definitely is a consequence of my flare for dramatization, but you just might want to read on. If the words, however, automatically induced an image of a mob of protesters, donning flashing…

  • Capoeira: a Movement Beyond that of Dance

    Most of us, though we may not like to admit it, like to boogie a little now and then, unless perhaps we are inherently powerless in the face of rhythm. Now wonder with me; can it be that this little shimmying and boogieing called ‘dance’ plays an intrinsic part in a movement speaking not only…