Author / Celia Rattner

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  • The EpiPen Exploits

    Three bites into dessert and I feel it: an unmistakable scratchiness in the back of my throat, the tingling sensation in my lips, and swelling of my eyelids. Those with allergies can relate. A closer inspection of my ice cream cup reveals hazelnuts in the nougat sauce. My face continues to balloon, and within minutes,…

  • ChatGPT: What Do We Stand to Lose?

    The article discusses the dichotomous opinions about the artificial intelligent platform ChatGPT developed by OpenAI, its potential impact on academia and the labor force, and the need for a cost-benefit analysis to weigh its benefits against its costs.

  • A Love Letter to Lake Michigan

    When I think of home, I think of sprawling blue water, hazy horizon lines, and icy-cold currents. No, I’m not from the Bay or Nantucket. I am from America’s third coast: the shoreline of Lake Michigan. To be specific, I grew up in Chicago’s north-side neighborhood of Lakeview. And though the lake’s namesake takes from…

  • Safe Spaces: Helping or Hindering?

    By Celia Rattner, Artwork by Ethan LoderstedtIn August 2020, the University of Chicago sent an email to all incoming first-years that condemned the use of trigger warnings and safe spaces on its campus. “Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called ‘trigger warnings,’ we do not cancel invited speakers because their…