Author / Claudia Bermudez

Claudia Bermudez ‘23 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at
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  • The Flaw with Social Media Activism

    In the past few weeks, there has been a tremendous uptick in “activist” posts on social media—part of a mass awakening by the American public to the injustices inflicted upon the Black community by systemic racism.  Since the release of the footage of George Floyd’s murder online, the public outcry condemning the police and the…

  • The Slowest Death: Charities

    With each day, more discoveries are made which expose newer ways in which the coronavirus is, either directly or indirectly, impacting the lives of every single person on the planet.  One of the worst impacted groups—which usually gets some of the least coverage—is international charities. High levels of anxiety, hope, instability, and joy have marked…

  • Latin Chivalry v. Music: What’s Right?

    As far back as I can recall, my dad always opened and closed the passenger car door for my mom before getting in himself.  Coming from a Colombian household, this type of behavior was routine and, most importantly, expected.  Even when he couldn’t open the door, my dad would send me as a proxy to…