Author / Elijah Wiesman

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  • Court Packing: The Erosion of Judicial Integrity

    By Elijah Wiesman, Staff Writer In a knee-jerk response to judicial rulings not to their liking, a smattering of Congressional Democrats have authored a bill that would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court from nine to thirteen. Often referred to as court packing, this strategy seeks to give the party in power…
  • Justice Illuminated? Cameras in the Court

    By Elijah Wiesman, Staff Writer Governmental transparency is one of the foundational elements of a democracy. The ability for citizens to see their elected and appointed representatives in action, allocating their tax funds and legislating the course of their lives, contributes to accountability and civic education. Senators Grassley (R-IA)and Durbin (D-MO) purportedly seek to expand…
  • Domestic Terrorism: A Necessary Charge or a Discriminatory Overreach?

    Domestic Terrorism: A Necessary Charge or a Discriminatory Overreach? By Elijah Wiesman, Staff Writer Disorderly conduct. Trespassing. Assault of a federal officer. Illegal possession of a firearm. These are just a few of the many charges filed against capitol rioters in federal court thus far. However, to anyone who witnessed the violence of January 6th,…