Author / Erin Ritter

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  • WET: Navigating Hook Up Culture

    By Erin Ritter, Podcast Editor Photography by Jordan Simmons, Modeled by Wladimir Alarcon I'll never forget my first hook-up experience: it was the first week of my freshman year at Wash U. I met him through some mutual friends and we hit it off quickly. We chatted as we strolled through the unfamiliar campus scenery…
  • WashU Buildings: Who Are They Named For?

    By Erin Ritter Artwork by Ben Eskenazi The age-old question: of St. Louis, or in St. Louis? To shed light on this question, this article will examine the origin of WashU's best known buildings. Who are they named for? And, more importantly, how did their namesakes make their donation money?   The Mallinckrodt Center was…
  • Leftovers Can’t Reform—They Can Only Rot

    By Erin Ritter In 1776, a white man by the name of John Heath was rejected by two different exclusionary societies on his college campus. Outraged, he decided to cook up his own homemade society; one that would accept him and the leftovers of those like him (rich, male, and white.) Greek Life as we…