Author / Evan Trabitz

Evan Trabitz ‘23 studies in the McKelvey School of Engineering. He can be reached at
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  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest  By Evan Trabitz, Staff Writer As we near the one-year anniversary of this God-forsaken quarantine, it is useful (and entertaining) to reflect on the world and how it has changed during this pandemic. Splashed across headlines, felt in campus Zeitgeists, one such change is the emerging mental health crisis.…
  • Postmodern Blues

    Borders, walls, fences, whatever the term used, whatever the latest expression, boundaries are always misty affairs. Whatever lens we apply to view them, boundaries populate each corner of the globe, an only natural progression considering we humans are social creatures. Separating us from other members of the animal kingdom is our unprecedented depth of collaboration.…