Author / Frances Wu

Frances Wu ‘22 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at frances.w.wu
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  • Adulting Is Hard

    As I’m scrolling endlessly on the timeline on whichever social media platform at two A.M., I’ll surely occasionally come across the phrase: “I’m finally adulting!” or alternatively, a twenty-something desperately scrambling to solve some comically mundane problem pleading that they “need a real adult!”  But what does it actually mean to be an adult? Legally,…

  • The Trump Presidency: Through the Eyes of Monica Lewinsky

    On January 21, 1998, the biggest scandal of the decade broke news. Allegations of sexual conduct between intern Monica Lewinsky and then President Bill Clinton destroyed her reputation while barely scratching his. In fact, Clinton’s approval ratings reached its highest point at 73% after his impeachment proceedings, and he finished his second term at a…