Author / Grethe Andersen

Grethe Andersen ‘23 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at
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  • Yard Signs: Public Displays of Aggression?

    Interactive artwork by Leslie Liu linked here The first presidential debate did absolutely nothing to assuage my election-based anxiety. I find myself constantly worrying about the political state of my nation; I check the news far more frequently than I should and I’ve noticed that many of my conversations end up drifting towards the subject of…

  • Political Movement

    Moving can be a hassle. As someone who has gone through the process many times, I can certainly attest to the fact that having to deep clean, carefully pack, and unpack again everything you own is a certifiable headache. And the work doesn’t end when the literal heavy-lifting does; you then have to get settled…

  • Space and Power

    My seventh-grade history teacher had a reputation for being the cool teacher. He was ridiculously passionate about his class, which was on medieval English history, but, more importantly to us, he had swords in his classroom (fake, don’t worry) and fun review games. So when he switched the focus of the class halfway through the…