Author / Hannah Richardson

Hannah Richardson ‘23 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at
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  • Headlines on the Horizon

    By Hannah Richardson Turning on the news these days is daunting. Waking up to see social media and news headlines telling of yet another tragedy or natural disaster. Videos of people losing their homes and loved ones seem to fill timelines weekly. From severe wildfires and heat waves to sudden flash floods, the climate crisis…
  • Race in Public Education

    As I drove to work this morning, an episode of NPR’s Planet Money titled “Reparations for Police Brutality” struck me as interesting. This episode covered the story of Darrell Cannon, a Black man from Chicago who was maliciously tortured into a false confession of murder.  A militia of twenty Chicago police officers, known as the…

  • Our Country’s Medicare Crisis

    Aging: an inevitable process that is happening to each and every one of us as we are reading this very sentence. There is no way to stop the march of time, but there are definitely many actions our country and our government could be taking to help care for those who are elderly and of…

  • Southern Conservatism: A Cyclical Plague

    The South, a land filled with big trucks, sweet tea, confederate flags, and raging conservatives. I am a born and raised southern girl and growing up in the heart of the bible belt has definitely had its challenges. Most “misconceptions” people have of southerners are true. No, we do not wear cowboy hats and ride…

  • Who is the Human Life Protection Act Really Protecting?

    Abortion: A topic everyone in America seems to become an expert on the moment it is introduced into the conversation. But, what do you really know about abortion in America and the current legislation surrounding it?  On May 15, 2019 Alabama Governor, Kay Ivey, signed into law the Human Life Protection Act. This bill, introduced…