Author / Jason Liu

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  • Clarkesworld’s Dilemma Is A Specter On All SFF Fiction

    For Clarkesworld, a monthly science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories and non-fic-ion pieces, submissions are its lifeblood. Above is the graph that forced Clarkesworld to cut it off. On February 20, editor-in-chief Neil Clarke went to Twitter to share this graph, and explain what it represented: “the number of people banned ……

  • Big Tech Doesn’t Understand What Josh Wants

    April 23, 2020, Josh Swain … and Josh Swain, and several other Josh Swains were added to a Facebook Messenger group. They were given an ultimatum. One year later, a thousand people had gathered to watch the two present Josh Swains duke it out in rock-paper-scissors. Then everyone joined in with an hours-long pool noodle…

  • Disco Elysium Wants You To Take A Side

    In Disco Elysium, before the politics, before the mystery, before history and even consciousness, there are your skills. However, unlike the tabletop RPGs that Disco Elysium takes inspiration from, your skills talk to you. They listen into every conversation, interject with advice or whim at every pause, bicker amongst each other at every conflict. At…

  • Water is the Universal Weapon

    By Jason Liu, Featured Writer It wasn't until this declaration in 1999 that UN explicitly acknowledged water as a universal right.   Was this simply too obvious to be put into words before? It's the opposite, actually. We may intuitively accept water to be a right, but it is also a resource. When it comes…
  • PG for Parent-Gated

    By Jason Liu Artwork by Eric Kim Parents are the role models and the gatekeepers of our adulthood. At least, that is the premise upon which a growing political shift relies upon. As of writing, the Florida legislature has passed HB 1557, otherwise known as the "Don't Say Gay" bill, which seeks to set age…
  • The Maori of a Galaxy Far, Far Away

    By Jason LiuArtwork by Eric Kim, Design Lead You're probably familiar with the more flagrant forms of indigenous representation in entertainment and popular culture - for example, earlier this month, the Washington Redskins finally rebranded as the Commanders after 87 years of playing under that racialized name in the NFL. Many readers could tease out…
  • Ruins as Our Wellness

    By Jason Liu, Featured Writer & Staff Writer Artwork by Leslie Liu, Design Lead View live illustration here. Though "wellness" can be hard to define, it would not be a huge leap to claim that a "well" person should not be bleeding, coughing, or suffering from depression. In that case, we use bandages, medicine, therapy…