Author / Jordan Simmons

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  • Falling Through the Cracks of Tuition Assistance

    By Jordan Simmons In 2019, 66% percent of high school graduates immediately enrolled in college following graduation. By and large, many in the United States still see college as the route to go in starting their professional careers. With the pervasive college wage premium, opportunities for promotion and doors opened by having a degree, it is…
  • Critical Context: Russo-Ukrainian War

    By Jordan Simmons On February 21, 2022, Vladimir Putin ordered his military into the Ukrainian breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk to "perform peacekeeping functions." Three days later, Russian troops started a full-scale invasion of the country, the frontline stretching from Belarus to Crimea. Russia has, against all warnings, shattered the tenuous peace in Europe…
  • Mercenaries: A Deeply Integrated Force Within Your Military

    Mercenaries: A Deeply Integrated Force Within Your Military By Jordan Simmons What do you picture when you think of mercenaries? Do you think of pay-for-hire, sword-wielding warriors during the time of the Roman empire? Maybe you think of the musket-carrying Hessian mercenaries Great Britain hired to quell the American Revolution. Maybe you picture local warlords,…
  • Qatar: More Involved Than You Think

    By Jordan Simmons   image provided by Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons License August 16th, 2021. Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. Masses of people flood the airport's only runway and Western officials scramble to get more planes to the airport of the fallen capital. In total, about 116,700 will end up being…