Overpopulation is, first and foremost, a hoax. For decades we have been fed a vicious lie, that inevitably our planet will fail to keep up with the taxing demands of the human species. However, upon closer scrutiny, the data seem to suggest that we are in fact heading toward population collapse. While it’s true that […]
Author: Josef Westberg
Empty Pockets and Empty Calories
America is in the midst of an escalating obesity crisis, and this is especially true amongst low-income communities. According to a 2015 study, obesity is responsible for millions of deaths each year due to its association with a plethora of health complications including cardiovascular disease, cancer, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, and osteoarthritis. The USDA reports […]
The Prometheus Effect: Unleashing Nuclear
Human innovation often smolders gradually in the embers of advancement. Sometimes, though, we ignite in a sudden blaze of progress and development. It is said that Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gifted it to humankind. In doing so, he sparked the conception of civilization as we know it. Fire brought people, but it […]
Pie in the Sky: The Jackpot Illusion
More than 100 billion dollars will be spent on lottery tickets this year. That’s more than what’s spent on movies, video games, music, books, and sports teams combined. People are desperate, and the lottery feels like an easy way out. But behind that colossal jackpot lurks a depressing truth; this is a predatory game, one […]
The Era of Antics: Political Theatrics
In the ever-changing political landscape, it seems something new has emerged: the Era of Antics. There was a time in American history when our representatives were meant to be the best of us. Founding Father James Madison expressed his belief in Federalist No. 10 that U.S. representatives’ “wisdom may best discern the true interest of […]