Author / Josh DeLuca

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  • A New Trend: The Unserious Senate

    When designing the American Constitution, our Founding Fathers understood the importance of high-quality elected officials. As Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist Paper No. 68, the success of the American experiment would depend on the election of “characters preeminent for ability and virtue.” Our founders were so concerned about who would occupy offices of power that…

  • Vindication: Biden’s Theory of the Case

    By Josh DeLuca Design by Eric Kim Though the candidates change, every election cycle the American people hear the same refrains: complaints about "gridlock" in Washington and promises to break through and deliver substantive changes. And yet, year after year, substantive legislation has largely eluded both presidents and Congress. However, after a string of legislative…
  • Discordant: Americans & Their Government

    Discordant: Americans and Their Government By Josh DeLuca, Staff Writer   It has been less than a year since Democrats won the White House, regained control of the Senate, and retained their majority in the House of Representatives. This is not in the distant past, but rather is recent history. Thus, it came as something…
  • Wake Up, America

    By Josh DeLuca Artwork by Lea Despotis, Design Lead   "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty." With these words, allegedly uttered to Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Director James Comey in the first few days of his presidency, Donald J. Trump summarized his expectations for those around him during his time in office and beyond.…
  • Why Democrats Must Act on Infrastructure

    By Josh DeLuca   image provided by Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons License In the never-ending chess match that is our current political environment, political actors have two modes: the pursuit of power and the exercise of power. While being in power is the ultimate goal, in many senses, the pursuit of power is…