Author / Julia Cleary

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  • Evolving Protections of Student Speech

    Evolving Protections of Student Speech By Julia Cleary, Staff Writer As social media becomes a primary form of communication, considerations over free speech are naturally evolving. Cases such as Elonis v. United States have addressed threats made over social media. However, when the speech doesn't constitute that level of harm, there is a legal grey…
  • Prosecutorial Reform: An Alternative to Defunding

    By Julia ClearyArtwork by Owen Reinhart In response to a nationwide movement demanding racial justice within law enforcement and legal systems, many states have begun implementing police reform measures. As calls for reform gain more traction, prosecutors are beginning to be implicated. Activists and protestors have called to defund and reform the internal affairs of…
  • Rank-Choice Voting: Is it the Future of US Elections?

    As the national election approaches, debates around voting are becoming increasingly prioritized. The value of our current methods of voting is being reconsidered, as criticisms of the system arise. Alternative methods of voting are being brought to the forefront of political conversations. One such idea is ranked-choice voting. Ranked-choice is a system of voting where…