Author / Kate Dickman

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  • An Analysis of Energy Production in St. Louis

    I can hear the loud clunking and whirring from my bedroom. With a sigh, I hop out of bed and trek to my living room. Bending down, I examine the air conditioning vent on the wall. I can feel the cool air blowing across my face, but I already knew that the unit was on.…

  • Urban Farming: A Silver Bullet?

    By Kate Dickman In early April 2022, I visited Such and Such Farm, a sustainable, organic farm in DeSoto, Missouri. They call themselves a farm "that specializes in sustainably grown produce, responsibly raised animals and other cool stuff." Still, I was skeptical; how could a 120-acre farm run by just a handful of people produce enough…
  • The Rebirth of Nostalgia Culture

    By Kate DickmanArtwork by Mingyi Suo, Staff Artist Clearly, we are going through a crisis. At this point, we have been in this pandemic for nearly two years. Nobody could have imagined what would happen to our society in these two years. Maybe more importantly, however, nobody could have imagined that we would still be…
  • Conspiracy and Wellness in the COVID-Era

    Conspiracy and Wellness in the COVID-Era  By Kate Dickman Wellness has always been a business. The ability of the wellness industry to both create and adapt fads is nothing new. What is new, however, is the power that influencers have over their followers, and the speed at which they can spread their messages. With the…