Author / Lara Briggs

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  • Every Week Should Be Infrastructure Week

    By Lara Briggs, Featured Writer Artwork by Orquidea Campbell-Espinoza In America, we generally expect that when you turn on your faucet, a) you will receive water, and b) it'll be relatively clean. The processes of getting our tap water clean and to our homes is out of sight and out of mind, and the same…
  • The Inevitability of Climate Refugees

    By Lara Briggs Streets in the district of Satkhira, in southern Bangladesh, are flooded after months of heavy rain - people travel by boat to reach the local shop. The Russian invasion of Ukraine displaced over 1.5 million people in ten days - a record number, per the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Recent refugee…
  • Can We Normalize Periods Already?

    Can We Normalize Periods Already? By Lara Briggs, Featured Writer Artwork by Mingyi Suo, Staff Artist Mindlessly scrolling through Instagram one day, I found myself watching a banal "what's in my bag" video that made me pause. The unknown bag owner had labeled a small pouch as "women's products." Either the video creator had used this…