Author / Malar Muthukumar

Malar Muthukumar ‘23 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at
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  • Coronavirus’s Effect on the Undocumented

    On March 27th, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The legislation contains over $2 trillion in economic relief for the United States amid the current coronavirus crisis. This stimulus package includes direct payments to American families to help them weather the challenges brought on by COVID-19, such as unemployment.…

  • Social Media and Youth Activism

    The recent surge of youth-led social movements has led many to claim that youth activism is on the rise. Looking at history, it is clear that young people have often been on the forefront of social change. We can see examples of youth activism in the US by looking back to the 1960s. Students were…

  • Facebook’s “Fight” Against Hate Speech

    The Rohingya people have faced oppression from the Burmese government since the 1960s, when the military government pushed more than 200,000 Rohingya out of Myanmar and into Bangladesh. The Rohingya are an ethnic and religious minority in Myanmar. They are Muslims, while the majority of Burmese people are Buddhist. Although the Rohingya people have lived…