Author / Matthew Hankin
Matthew Hankin is a staff writer for WUPR.
The Price of Skinny Jeans
BY MATTHEW HANKIN Before last spring, few Americans had heard of Rana Plaza, an illegally constructed eight-story building in Savar, Bangladesh. On April 24th, 2013, the building, which contained textile factories that supplied skinny jeans and other garments to Walmart and other American and international brands, collapsed, killing over 1,100 workers and injuring approximately 2,500.…
Dear America: When Putin Talks Directly to US Citizens
BY MATTHEW HANKIN President Vladimir Putin published his now infamous op-ed on the New York Times website on Thursday. A mere 24 hours later, his op-ed had become the most viewed, most emailed, and most blogged about article on the entire website. The name “Putin” topped the list as the most searched term on the…
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