Author / Matthew Shepetin

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  • Metro Magic

    Matthew Shepetin

  • Lobbying & Lies: Corporations & Climate Change

    By Matthew Shepetin, Staff Writer How many times have you been told to recycle your can of Coke? Or buy a hybrid? Or seen a politician take money from oil companies while advocating for environmental policy? Over the past decades, corporate leaders have intentionally reprogrammed the way we think about the individual's role in combating…
  • Self-Perpetuating Poverty

    By Matthew Shepetin Artwork by Mei Liu, Staff Artist Headlines like "Halle Berry once slept in a homeless shelter" and "Oprah went to college on scholarship" create an idealized and unrealistic image of American egalitarianism. With the right mentality and a whole lot of hard work, just about anybody can "Pull themselves up by the bootstraps,"…
  • It’s Expensive to be Poor in America

    It's Expensive to be Poor in America By Matthew Shepetin, Staff Writer Artwork by Ashley Roh   Imagine you just got off the bus coming back from an 8-hour shift at the supermarket that just opened up in the wealthier neighborhood across town. You used to work at the local diner, but you traded in…
  • Who Controls the Media?

    By Matthew Shepetin, Staff Writer Artwork by Leslie Liu, Design Lead The past decade has been marked by media outlets like CNN and MSNBC dedicating an increasing amount of their time to addressing, criticizing, and combating conservative narratives. During this seemingly beneficial shift in production-in the wake of rising right-wing extremism, when it is more…
  • Why We Need to Raise the Minimum Wage

    Why We Need to Raise the Minimum Wage By Matthew Shepetin The minimum wage has been at the heart of many economic debates in the past several years. Just recently, though, with President Biden's proposal to more than double the current federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, the debate of whether the government should…
  • GameStop and the Future of Investment

    GameStop and theFuture of Investment By Matthew Shepetin In the age of social media, it is easier than ever for a group of individuals to band together, organize, and take action against inequity. In January, this is exactly what happened. Over the course of just a few weeks, millions of people came together via social…