Author / Merry May Ma

Merry May Ma ‘22 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at
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  • The Confession of a Cinephile

    By Merry May Ma Artwork by Merry May Ma To savor my remaining time as a film student at Wash U, I take five film courses in Spring 2022, striving to enrich my perception and life with as many films as possible. On April 6th 2022, in my French Film Culture class, we watched a…
  • Wash U & St. Louis Theme Art, Merry May May

  • Me at the Movies

    Me at the Movies By Merry May Ma, Staff Writer Artwork by Merry May Ma, Staff Artist I love cinema.  Sitting in the darkness, waiting for the screen to light up has been one of the most wonderful feelings I have ever experienced.  I hear some noise from the crowd, who is about to share…
  • Go with the Flow

    It is my first summer in the United States, and I will spend the entire season here. This summer in St. Louis is as hot and changeable as ever before, but many things have made it a unique time in my life.  My vacation officially began after May 6, but local weather swung between late…

  • Serendipity

    Look forward, Merry May, yes, now. Last October, I got into the habit of chasing the setting sun. Riding my bike forward as fast as I could, I felt my fast punching heart, the speedy wind crossing through my hair, and the blurry sceneries I left behind. I fixed my eyes at the sunset, resisting…

  • Color. Color? Color!

    What do you think of when you see the word “color”? You may think about arts, colorful pencils, beautiful paintings on a wall, people’s various skin color, or the rainbow flag that supports LGBTQIA+. But if I go back home in Shanghai, China, I may use the word “color” to emphasize my anger, to express…

  • What I Have Learned About Memory From WILD

    One month before WILD, a Wash U music event, my friend texted me: “Do you want to go to WILD with me?” It was a very popular event, but I only heard about it from my friend. “What is WILD?” Curiously, I asked my friend. It sounded wild, didn’t it? After being informed that Carly…