Author / Nkemjika Emenike

Nkemjika Emenike ‘23 studies in the College of Arts & Sciences She can be reached at
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  • 8/24

    8/24    Crumpled papers thrown into trashcans located in  Awkward middle school classrooms Or noisy cafeterias Or anywhere you go, and every time you do it All while we shout his name   At eighteen years With the number 8 stitched in purple The youngest person to ever start an NBA game And one year…

  • CCP vs. Religion, A Century Long Battle

    For most modes of transportation in China, from planes to trains to subways, there is usually a security check one must go through in order to reach their destination. As a high school student in Beijing, I noticed as I took the subways that there seemed to be individuals that had a harder time getting…

  • Don’t Touch My Hair

    A ten-year old me sat in between Ms. M’s legs as the smell of burning hair filled her living room. She was stroking my beautiful brown curls with two plates of metal heated to 450 degrees, the burning point for hair. I would cringe when she got too close to the scalp and a sense…