Author / Ruby Arora

Ruby Arora is a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. She can be reached at
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  • Politicizing the Surgeon General

    BY RUBY ARORA Ebola took the world by storm a few months ago, and panic has since spread like wildfire through Africa, Europe, and the United States. From Eric Duncan to Nina Pham, each successive case of Ebola in the U.S. shocked American citizens and contributed to the Ebola pandemonium. After the first domestic outbreak,…

  • An International Look at Ferguson

    BY RUBY ARORA The armored vehicles roll in, and tear gas fills the air. The officers stand still as stone, impassable, with their bulletproof vests, gas masks, and riot gear. The crowd is weary of the fight yet passionate for the cause. The smoke bombs and flash grenades and rubber bullets only temporarily deter the…