Author / Robert Burch

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  • Rotting Debates and Rotting Democracy

    By Robert BurchArtwork by Daniel Moroze After the disastrous showdowns between Trump and Biden in their 2020 contest for the presidency, the last thing people want to do is sit through another presidential debate. As it turns out, we might not get the chance to. Presidential debates could become a thing of the past due…
  • Workforce Woes: What’s Going On?

    By Robert Burch Artwork by Mingyi Suo   What do Kaiser healthcare employees, Kellogg's cereal plant workers, Hollywood film crews, and millions of other Americans have in common? If you answered that they're all the latest to take part in a growing labor movement sweeping the United States, you would be right. Currently, U.S. workers…
  • Dismantling the Green Machine

    By Robert Burch   image provided by Piqsels under the Creative Commons License In 2010, the Supreme Court issued its infamous Citizens United ruling, a decision that essentially gave corporations the right to make unlimited political expenditures for causes benefiting their interests. The ruling threatened to usher in an era of minimal transparency and skyrocketing…