Author / Salil Uttarwar

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  • How Public Schools Can Better Fight Food Insecurity

    Exposure to nutritious food is something many of us, as university students, take for granted. Dining halls, from which we can get a balanced meal at the swipe of an ID card, are littered throughout campus and restaurants and supermarkets are not far away. Unfortunately, our privilege of having access to a diverse range of…

  • Digital Dangers: Sharenting and Beyond

    You open your Facebook newsfeed and mindlessly scroll. You browse news from your favorite sports teams and pictures of cute dogs, but soon you notice that everywhere you look, you see parents posting about their kids. As a new parent, you’re confused and slightly worried. Will other parents judge you if you don’t share photos…

  • The Culture of Protest in Latin America

    Chile has recently experienced rises in income inequality, cost of living, and privatization. In response to an increase in price for Santiago Metro tickets, a tipping point for many Chileans, civil protests began in Chile’s capital city and spread throughout the country. The protests have been far from peaceful; many have been killed, hundreds have…

  • Drawbacks of the E-Cigarette Ban

    In a recent Oval Office press conference, President Donald Trump proposed plans to implement a wide-scale ban on the sale of flavored e-cigarette products after several deaths were found to come from mysterious pulmonary illnesses associated with vaping. This move prompted many states, such as New York and Michigan, to announce or even implement their…

  • The Opioid Epidemic’s Controversial Solutions

    A recent study Annals of Internal Medicine reported that nearly 12% of the almost 592,000 patients diagnosed with an ankle sprain in the US received a prescription for an opioid, mainly from their primary and emergency care physicians. This number is especially startling because there have been no evidence-backed claims to support the usage of…

  • Who Are The Homeless?

    As WashU students, staying in the safe, comfortable, and isolated bubble that the school provides is easy. We are privileged to live in world-class dorms, eat high-quality food, and attend classes on a beautiful campus. Despite this, there is a clear sign all around us that the world is not as perfect as it is…

  • How The Wealthy Skirt The Organ Waitlist

    You start feeling severe abdominal pain and swelling. Soon you experience fatigue, nausea, and disorientation. You go to the doctor to ask if anything is wrong. The doctor runs tests and gives you a harrowing diagnosis: your liver is failing and you need a new one as soon as possible. Unfortunately, she tells you that…