Author / Sean Chopra

Sean Chopra '24 studies in the college of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at
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  • We Need Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices

    By Sean Chopra One of the core pillars in any democracy is the electoral accountability of our representatives. If an elected official behaves counter to their constituents' beliefs and ideologies or is just flat-out incompetent, we have the opportunity to voice our opinion by voting them out. In a similar vein, to make sure singular…
  • How Youngkin Won and What it Means

    By Sean Chopra It is often said that the Virginia governor's race offers a small but accurate glimpse into what will happen in the national midterm elections the following year. If this is the case, then November 2, 2021, should make Democrats especially nauseous. Glenn Youngkin, who up until recently was known only to the…
  • Post-Trump, What Comes Next for Fox News?

    Post-Trump, What Comes Next for Fox News? By Sean Chopra, Staff Writer Artwork by Jinny Park, Design Lead For the last four years, Fox News and former President Trump have been impenetrably linked. The former defended Trump at all costs, filling hours of airtime with right-wing pundits who sympathized with every action he made. In…
  • A 6-3 Supreme Court: The Ramifications of a Conservative Super Majority

    President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have been unwavering in their resolve to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the Presidential election on November 3. Trump made his intentions clear with his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett.  While there are undoubtedly political…