‘Parivarvad’ is a Hindi word that means ‘dynasticism,’ a system of government in which all the leaders are from the same family. This has been the modus operandi of the Indian National Congress (INC) since they first came into power in 1947. They have been the ruling party for the majority of the nation’s existence. […]
Stop Blocking the Purchase of U.S. Steel
In December 2023, Nippon Steel, a Japanese owned steelmaker valued at $21 billion, announced plans for a $15 billion purchase of United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) — a deal representing a 40% premium of share prices at the time and would ensure the viability of an over 100 year old American manufacturing behemoth. However, […]
The JCPOA is Dead, Long Live the JCPOA
On the campaign trail in 2020, President Joe Biden promised a renewal of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In exchange for reduced sanctions to the tune of several billion dollars, Iran dismantled most of its nuclear program and allowed international inspections. The JCPOA was reached in July 2015 between Iran, the European Union, […]
Why The U.S. Space Force is Not A Joke
In 2019, the U.S. Space Force became the country’s first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947. The creation of the force was subject to jokes and memes about its purpose online, and even a Netflix show starring Steve Carell that premiered in 2020. […]