Category: 41.1 Renewal

Russia Has Already Lost the War

Putin’s invasion has irreparably harmed Russia’s interests in ways that cannot be compensated for with any amount of territorial gains — even taking the entirety of Ukraine would not change the failure of this war. Beyond Russia’s immense sacrifice of lives and equipment, Putin’s gamble has brought economic and strategic failures that are impacting his […]

The Future of Conservatism

The upcoming election has undeniably existential stakes—for the Republican Party. If Trump prevails, the right can replace macro-level introspection with micro-level infighting over what to do with the reins of government. If Harris wins, however, Republicans will be forced to come to terms with the fact that they no longer have a coherent political ideology […]

Hamas is not Israel’s most dangerous threat

We’re approaching the one-year mark of Israel’s full-scale war against Hamas. The prolonged violence in the Gaza Strip has reached countless headlines as the IDF’s campaign to eradicate the embedded terrorists drags on. Far less attention has gone to the threat on Israel’s Northern border — Hezbollah, likely the most formidable terrorist organization on the […]

Stop Blocking the Purchase of U.S. Steel

In December 2023, Nippon Steel, a Japanese owned steelmaker valued at $21 billion, announced plans for a $15 billion purchase of United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) — a deal representing a 40% premium of share prices at the time and would ensure the viability of an over 100 year old American manufacturing behemoth. However, […]

The JCPOA is Dead, Long Live the JCPOA

On the campaign trail in 2020, President Joe Biden promised a renewal of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In exchange for reduced sanctions to the tune of several billion dollars, Iran dismantled most of its nuclear program and allowed international inspections. The JCPOA was reached in July 2015 between Iran, the European Union, […]