Category / 2017 / Dan Sicorsky / Dan Sicorsky / Featured / Modern War / Violence
Aching on the Periphery of Pain
You and I are alive and thus we have not died. But have you ever been in pain? ♦ I was chatting with a friend by the bleachers when the shooting began at the high school athletic field where I recently found myself during a dream. The concrete area was spacious, but it was fenced…
The (Mis)construction of Knowledge
Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in two rulings nearly 15 years ago that sex offenders’ rate of re-offense, at almost 80 percent, is “frightening and high.” Since then, his “statistic” has been used by hundreds of lower courts and lawyers to defend policies that banish offenders from most communities. The severity of the punishment would be…
We’re Not Ready for a Borderless World
A balding yet bearded white man, large and tall with jeans tight around his belly, would visit my grade school once a year or so and bring a long, blank banner. Without the help of even an index card, he would outline with a Sharpie every corner, boundary, and detail of land and sea, every…