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  • Green Power Contest in the Aftermath of Invasion

      By Will Pease In the first official State of the Union since his inauguration, Joe Biden laid out a wide range of overlapping domestic and international crises that have created "Our moment of responsibility", and "our test of resolve and conscience, of history itself." The dramatic speech built on themes of challenges to the…
  • Urban Farming: A Silver Bullet?

    By Kate Dickman In early April 2022, I visited Such and Such Farm, a sustainable, organic farm in DeSoto, Missouri. They call themselves a farm "that specializes in sustainably grown produce, responsibly raised animals and other cool stuff." Still, I was skeptical; how could a 120-acre farm run by just a handful of people produce enough…
  • A New International Security Apparatus

    By Phillip Lisun Let the invasion of Ukraine be a lesson to America: don't make the same mistakes as Europe, who became reliant on Putin's fossil fuels while simultaneously shutting the door on nuclear energy. This has left countries like Germany unable to boycott Russian oil and gas. We need to reevaluate our national nuclear…
  • Falling Through the Cracks of Tuition Assistance

    By Jordan Simmons In 2019, 66% percent of high school graduates immediately enrolled in college following graduation. By and large, many in the United States still see college as the route to go in starting their professional careers. With the pervasive college wage premium, opportunities for promotion and doors opened by having a degree, it is…
  • Leave the Door Open… To Nuclear Energy

    By Claire Magnuson Let the invasion of Ukraine be a lesson to America: don't make the same mistakes as Europe, who became reliant on Putin's fossil fuels while simultaneously shutting the door on nuclear energy. This has left countries like Germany unable to boycott Russian oil and gas. We need to reevaluate our national nuclear…
  • WashU and the Senate Race

    By Emily Woodruff A beer heiress, a former governor, and the states' attorney general. The senate race for Senator Roy Blunt's seat, which he has held since 2011, is already contentious and scandal-filled, even though the primary is not until August second. Candidates from both sides have already raised and spent millions of dollars, and new…
  • All Hail King Kaldi

    By Claire MagnusonArtwork by Claire Magnuson If, like me, you're a student at WashU, you've found yourself unable to escape Kaldi's Coffee's spheres of influence. As the primary supplier to our university, they were the only on-campus coffee that you could imbibe with meal points before recent, welcome updates. Previously, the Starbucks in Bauer and…