Category / 2022 / 37.1 Water / Articles / Featured

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  • A Love Letter to Lake Michigan

    When I think of home, I think of sprawling blue water, hazy horizon lines, and icy-cold currents. No, I’m not from the Bay or Nantucket. I am from America’s third coast: the shoreline of Lake Michigan. To be specific, I grew up in Chicago’s north-side neighborhood of Lakeview. And though the lake’s namesake takes from…

  • Military jets perform a cloud seeding operation

    Letting it Rain in the UAE

    As extreme droughts continue to plague the planet, countries are racing for a solution. The United Nations (UN) now identifies Arab countries as some of the most water scarce states on the globe. With climate change and overpopulation culminating to create the perfect storm of water scarcity, new technology may be the solution.      Since the…

  • The Beef Parasite of Questionable Existence

    People love to engage in discourse about climate change. Especially when ‘engaging in discourse’ really means talking to a wall, except the wall responds with the most ignorant counterpoint possible, and you end up wishing this was a wall that couldn’t talk because at least you could trick yourself into thinking you were doing something…

  • The Trump Trap: An Economic Race for Hegemony

    Rising from the ashes and rubbles of World War II, the United States has indisputably served as the hegemon for the last 70 years. This power lasted through challengers like the Soviet Union and tumultuous events like the Cuban Missile Crisis. With the U.S.’s worldwide dominance, it has projected this widespread perception that military force…

  • Beware the Danger of Economic Decoupling

    In June of this year, Apple announced that they would move part of their production of iPads out of China for the first time. At the end of the day, it wasn’t worker suicides and reports of abuse that caused Apple to question its commitment to China, nor was it concern that impeding censorship would…

  • China’s COVID Crossroad

    Turning on the news these days is daunting. Waking up to see social media and news headlines sharing yet another tragedy or natural disaster. Videos of people losing their homes and loved ones seem to fill timelines weekly. From severe wildfires and heat waves to sudden flash floods, the climate crisis has begun making its…

  • Syria: A Decade Later, the War Rages On

    When the Arab Spring ignited the Middle East and North Africa in late 2010, people could only speculate about the kind of impact it would have. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria could only guess that the pro-democracy movement would knock on his door. Yet in 2011,that is just what happened.  Following the detention and torture…