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Dear Colleges: Pause the Construction
Last spring, I sat outside of Mallinckrodt during Alumni Weekend, and a woman passed by with her children. Her sons ran ahead, and I heard her say to her husband, “I don’t know what this building is. Campus looks so different now.” As they wandered away, I marveled at the thought of how our small…
Constructions of Home
I came into college equipped with posters, fairy lights, the DC flag, and pictures of friends and family. I had all the ingredients to construct my dorm room into a home, and yet that home evolved differently than I could have imagined—gradually, and also in leaps. Each time I return to my dorm I bring…
A Late-Afternoon Chat with Vox’s Ezra Klein
Interview by Grace Portelance and Sam Klein | Photo by Zeke Saucedo WUPR invited Ezra Klein, editor-in-chief of Vox, to address the Wash U community last month before the debate on our campus. Before his speech in Graham Chapel, editors-in-chief Grace Portelance and Sam Klein (no relation) sat down with Mr. Klein for an interview…
Talking to Trump People
In the days leading up to the debate at Washington University, the usually taboo topic of politics was one of the only things people could talk about. Although Missouri is a mostly red state, Washington University is more liberal due to the large number of students from the East and West coasts. If someone is…