Category / Movement

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  • The Privilege of Movement

    When I used to think of movement in the past, I thought of relaxing vacations and groovy hip-hop mixes. Now, I think of movement as a manifestation of privilege because of the inaccessibility of movement. Whether it be moving from the city to the suburbs or immigrating to a different country, our ability to move…

  • MORENA: The Fight for Mexico’s Soul

    My Dad grew up in Celaya, Guanajuato, a central Mexican city of half a million people in a region affectionately known as La Cuna de Independencia—the cradle of Mexican independence and the Mexican heartland. He lived near the city center, where street vendors sold tacos and tamales, and tortillerias and carnicerias sold daily fresh tortillas…

  • Universities Profiting Off of Black Bodies

    Recently, my friend called me to tell me that he just got a job offer that was so good, he couldn’t refuse. An offer he couldn’t refuse, that scared me a little. I feel like a year from now, he will be complaining, wanting to quit his job, feeling overworked and like the money isn’t…

  • Capoeira: a Movement Beyond that of Dance

    Most of us, though we may not like to admit it, like to boogie a little now and then, unless perhaps we are inherently powerless in the face of rhythm. Now wonder with me; can it be that this little shimmying and boogieing called ‘dance’ plays an intrinsic part in a movement speaking not only…

  • Private but Viral

    A few years ago, #KillAllMen made its divisive rounds on social media. This phrase was controversial for all the reasons you might imagine.  One point of conflict was identity-based: those outraged by it complained that substituting almost any other identity group for “men” would be deemed abhorrent by the very people using it in their…

  • The Risk of Morality and Movement Politics

    What do Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have in common? At the surface, both are white males from the northeast. Both have been mocked for their hair, though for its color and unruliness, respectively. Obviously, both are consequential figures in the United States’ current political climate. But perhaps most significantly, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders…

  • Political Movement

    Moving can be a hassle. As someone who has gone through the process many times, I can certainly attest to the fact that having to deep clean, carefully pack, and unpack again everything you own is a certifiable headache. And the work doesn’t end when the literal heavy-lifting does; you then have to get settled…