Tag / affordable care act
The Democrats’ Problems For 2018
The 2018 Midterms present the best opportunity for the Democratic Party to take back the House since they lost it in 2010. Trump is a historically unpopular President, history is on the Democrats’ side as the opposing party in a midterm election, and Democratic grassroots activism has skyrocketed. In theory, taking the 24 seats they…
Healthcare Partisanship: Where Do We Draw the Line?
In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the landmark legislation known as EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act) which mandated that hospitals who accepted payments from the federal government (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) had to provide emergency medical treatment until their condition is stabilized. This widely popular mandate is often cited as a guarantee that every patient…
BY JULIA KONG for GLOBEMED The Affordable Care Act (known as Obamacare) went into effect earlier this month, bringing about the largest overhaul of our health care system since the introduction of Medicare and Medicaid. Our country is split on the changes to come, but the bottom line remains that the old system left our…
A Medical Emergency: When States Opt Out of Providing Care
This past May, the Republican-controlled legislature in Missouri voted to opt out of the federal government’s upcoming Medicaid expansion. This decision is not unique to Missouri—25 other states have opted out as well, claiming that the increased tax burden of a Medicaid expansion outweighs its benefits. The majority of states that rejected Medicaid are poor,…
Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare in 5-4 Decision
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate and the bulk of the Affordable Care Act in a 5-4 this morning, surprising many court-watchers and breathing life into President Obama’s reelection hopes. The majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, found that the individual mandate did violate the Commerce Clause, but the…
Issue 16.2: This Might Hurt
The newest WUPR issue has hit the stands! Read on about why you, Wash U Pre-med student or otherwise, should give a damn about the Affordable Care Act, how the woman’s body is fast becoming a political battleground, and the rise of the Super PAC in 2012. Click the cover image below.