Tag / amendment

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  • Amending The Amendment Process

    Under Article V of the Constitution, two thirds of both the House and the Senate must approve of any potential Constitutional Amendment. If both houses approve, the amendment is sent to each of the fifty states and becomes law only if three quarters of the states vote to ratify it. The system creates daunting barriers…

  • The Supreme Value: Why Free Speech Is Paramount On College Campuses

    “Knowledge is power,” is a ubiquitous aphorism in modern society. As George Washington–our university’s namesake–once said, “Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.” The exalted status of knowledge in society is remarkably recent. Not until the Enlightenment–or as it’s also known–the Age of Reason (17th-18th centuries) did knowledge become such a…

  • Fixing Constitutional Amendments: A Cure Worse Than The Disease

    It is easy to look at our chaotic political situation and say that we wish substantive, enduring change could be enacted more quickly. Legislation can get passed one year and repealed the next, so it is easy to see why the idea of making constitutional amendments simpler to pass is appealing. What’s more, when a…