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  • Stale Bread: Joy in Hopeless Elections

    Watching election results roll in is like eating a stale loaf of bread with a couple raisins hidden here and there in the dough. Most of it is unremarkable, but whenever you find a raisin, it feels like the world might be changing forever. It does not much matter if you like its taste or…

  • Joy and the 2020 Election

    Joy and American politics are  two things that do not go together too often. Living under a constitution that was specifically written to hinder change in a country that desperately needs change is simply not a very joyful thing. However, there are moments where the joy does miraculously shine through the rockiness of American politics.…

  • DeSantis’ Moral Superiority

    The raging fire of Donald Trump did not stop after his loss in 2020. It stormed the Capitol, rallied QAnon, and poured itself into Truth Social for a MAGA hurricane… until it reached Ron DeSantis’ doorstep. After the Florida governor refused to commit to another full four-year term before the midterm election, Trump announced his…

  • A New Trend: The Unserious Senate

    When designing the American Constitution, our Founding Fathers understood the importance of high-quality elected officials. As Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist Paper No. 68, the success of the American experiment would depend on the election of “characters preeminent for ability and virtue.” Our founders were so concerned about who would occupy offices of power that…

  • Peter Thiel’s New Right-Wing Acolytes

    By Gabriel Squitieri Peter Thiel: He's the Elon Musk of the right. Such a designation is irrelevant now, considering the obsequious billionaire Musk has joined forces with the right as well. Nevertheless, I wish not to harp on Mr. Musk. Instead, I find it pertinent to recount and analyze the actions of Peter Thiel as…
  • Weakening the Filibuster Backfires

    By Jeremy Stiava Artwork by  One year since the insurrection at the Capitol, this January, Democrats rallied around passing a comprehensive voting rights reform bill by weakening the filibuster. The Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act seemed poised to be enacted into law, supported by activists, state party leaders, passed by a vote in…
  • Biden’s Approval Hurts Democrats Nationwide

    By Rishi Samarth, Staff Writer The major elections this year were the gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia. The Virginia gubernatorial race was the most covered race, with former Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe running against ex-Carlyle group CEO Glenn Youngkin. Generally, the Virginia governor's mansion is won by the opposing political party from the…