Tag / free trade
The Antidote To The Sino-American Trade Conflict
For most of human history all but a sliver of the populace scraped by on a meager income below the current International Poverty Line of just $1.90. Not until the Enlightenment in the West did global wealth experience a significant, sustained increase over time. Not coincidentally, the interval since the Enlightenment has also been the…
We’re Not Ready for a Borderless World
A balding yet bearded white man, large and tall with jeans tight around his belly, would visit my grade school once a year or so and bring a long, blank banner. Without the help of even an index card, he would outline with a Sharpie every corner, boundary, and detail of land and sea, every…
Why We Need the Trade Promotion Authority Now
BY JARED TURKUS The economy is finally recovering from the Great Recession. The deficit is falling at the fastest rate since WWII: it stands at $645 billion, down from $1.4 trillion in 2010. The unemployment rate was 10 percent in October 2009; as of December 2013 it has fallen to 6.7 percent. GDP grew 3.2…
The Fast Track to Free Trade
BY CHRIS GIBSON As the United States draws closer to completing a major trade agreement with eleven Asian and Latin American countries including Japan and Australia, attention is turning away from the negotiating table and towards Congress. When the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is completed, each individual member country must pass the agreement according to its…