Tag / history
What We Keep And What We Leave Behind
As I sat against the rigid wall of my dorm the other night and read “Peron: A New Cultural History” for a Latin American history course, I read the phrase “Las penas son de nosotros, las vaquitas son ajenas.” “The sorrows our ours, the little cows are stranger’s.” The Peronist regime of Argentina was a…
Bridging The Boundary Of History
One year can pass by quickly. Five years can as well. Ten years seems a pretty substantial period of time, but still stays in recent memory. Multiply this period of time by seven and we get 70 years—the span of time between now and the Holocaust, an event that almost feels hardened into a relic…
Two Slaps, Rogernomics, and the Unpredictability of Historical Eras
Through years of studying history books and essay, a person can come to view certain times in history through the lens of historical models. Perhaps they might see things through economic, moral, religious, or pragmatic lenses, but the lenses can be omnipresent in the thinking of many people. For instance, the end of the 1960s…