Tag / Mendelson

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  • Power Over Principle

    If the founding fathers had witnessed the last twelve months of American politics, they would be rolling over in their graves. In the af­termath of the most turbulent election cycle in decades, Americans seem to have forgotten the most basic founding principles of the coun­try. When the founding fathers gathered to craft the constitution, they…

  • Not Hungary for Refugees: Victor Orbán and the Rise of Fear Politics

    This summer, I had the opportunity to travel to Budapest. My cousin had been working there for a few weeks, and I decided that I had saved up enough money to hop over and visit him. On the evening of July 15th, I board­ed a red-eye flight in Washington, DC and was in Vienna, Austria…

  • Preaching to the Choir: Wash U’s Political Diversity Problem

    “Washington University in St. Louis’ mission is to discover and disseminate knowledge, and protect the freedom of inquiry through thought, research, teaching and learning.” Written in large red font on the University website, this claim defines Wash U as a key player in the field of higher education. It claims to not only develop new…