Tag / nick clegg
Of Rotten Boroughs and Electoral Reform
When the general election held last May in Britain produced a center-right coalition government, the Conservative leader David Cameron offered to his Liberal Democratic counterpart, Nick Clegg, a few compromises to sweeten the deal. These agreements included increased funding for national healthcare, banking reform, and, most importantly for Clegg, provisions for long-overdue electoral reforms. Since…
Indecisive British Election Results
Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Conservative challenger David Cameron each made their case Friday for a coalition with the party that finished third in Britain’s elections, hoping to secure the balance of power following an inconclusive vote. The Conservatives, who won the largest number of seats in Thursday’s contest, suggested that lawmakers from the…
Talking Heads: Winston Churchill
For this week’s edition of Talking Heads, WUPR was able to procure a time machine though our extensive and possibly sinister connections. WUPR was purchasing our Student Union allotted twenty Kalashnikovs in an Islamabad gun market when a Pakistani merchant fooled WUPR representatives into buying a faulty product. The seller had failed to tell us…
Politics: Civil and Dangerous
The changing face of elections U.S presidential elections are known, among other things, for elaborate campaigns. Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign is destined to go down in history for the way it was able to convince people that the election was more about bringing sweeping social change than it was about electing a new head of…
British Politicians Go Live
This Thursday, British candidates are engaging, for the first time in the country’s history, in a televised debate, following the American campaign format and breaking a tradition of media disuse that has kept on-the spot charisma from playing a decisive role in past elections. Candidates – current Prime Minister and Labor Party leader Gordon Brown,…