Tag / political correctness
The Supreme Value: Why Free Speech Is Paramount On College Campuses
“Knowledge is power,” is a ubiquitous aphorism in modern society. As George Washington–our university’s namesake–once said, “Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.” The exalted status of knowledge in society is remarkably recent. Not until the Enlightenment–or as it’s also known–the Age of Reason (17th-18th centuries) did knowledge become such a…
That Should Be Funny
The doctors are frantically operating, and I sit nervously in the waiting room. Hours pass until eventually the doctor comes to meet me, “I’m sorry, but he didn’t make it.” I begin to weep, and you should too. He was a dear friend to all of us once. But he is gone now. Humor is…
Politically Correct Art: An Oxymoron?
Last year, Emma Sulkowicz, then a senior at Columbia University, made national headlines with her endurance performance art piece “Carry That Weight.” Her story is likely one you’ve heard before: Sulkowicz avowed to carry a 50-lb extra-long twin mattress—similar to the Columbia dorm mattress—until the student she alleged had raped her during her sophomore year…
NPR: National Public Revulsion
In 1970… National Public Radio is born three years after President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967. In its mission statement NPR declares that it is devoted to “presentation of fair, accurate and comprehensive information and selected cultural expressions for the benefit of and at the service of our democracy,” along…