Tag / primaries
The Democrats’ Problems For 2018
The 2018 Midterms present the best opportunity for the Democratic Party to take back the House since they lost it in 2010. Trump is a historically unpopular President, history is on the Democrats’ side as the opposing party in a midterm election, and Democratic grassroots activism has skyrocketed. In theory, taking the 24 seats they…
John Oliver and “Real” Journalism
With each passing primary, Donald Trump moves closer to the Republican nomination, and thus to the presidency. While polls seem to indicate that a general election against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would be a bloodbath for the GOP with Trump as its nominee, many Republican voters continue to voice fullthroated support for Trump. The…
One Vote, Many Obstacles
My quest to submit an absentee ballot began easily enough. Since I had realized early on that the Missouri presidential primary was taking place over spring break, I had ample time to send in a request for an absentee ballot, and simply had to check a box stating that I needed one because I would…
Uncontroversial Contraceptives
BY ALICIA YANG A diverse coalition of actors agree that birth control should be offered over the counter. Most Democrats, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, several anti-abortion Republican Senate nominees, and presumably many women have reached this consensus just a month before midterm elections. This sudden shift has been met with criticism from…
Issue 16.1: The Dumbo Primaries
The latest edition of WUPR is available now, online and in print around campus. Click on the cover to read more about the Republican Primaries, Personhood Amendments, and the growing importance of Iran in the Middle East. Let us know what you think in the comments, or on Twitter and Facebook!