Tag / rick perry
Texas, Back-Alley Abortions, and Other Developments in the “War on Women”
BY BILLIE MANDELBAUM In 2011, there were 44 facilities in Texas where abortions were performed. Today, only 24 facilities remain. This decline stems from stringent regulations put in place by Texas House Bill 2, which was signed into law last year by Governor Rick Perry. The legislation requires doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges…
Newt is here to stay
I’m sure that we will be discussing and debating this on WUPRadio tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm on KWUR, but former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is here to stay at the front of the GOP pack. I’m sure my liberal colleagues will argue that Gingrich is just the next flavor of the month, but…
Another One Bites the Dust
I am sure many of you have seen this, yet another GOP memory lapse, but if you haven’t, please do so. Then proceed to assume the fetal position in the face of such terrifying ineptitude in the potential President of the United States. Herman Cain appeals to many Republican voters because of his no-(non)sense 9-9-9…
The End of Rick Perry
Take a look at this Rick Perry gaffe from the November 9th debate in Michigan. I’m pretty sure this debate effectively ended Governor Perry’s slight chance at winning the GOP nomination. What are your thoughts?
Perry’s Job Record
The first Republican primary debate this year started with a catfight between Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney over their respective job creation records. The exchange not only raised the entertainment value of the debate, but also one important question: is Perry’s record as strong as it seems? Perry seems to…
Troy Davis: One More Casualty of the Justice System
Outside of a Georgia prison the night of September 21, nearly 500 people sat and hoped to hear something good, news that one man would live to see another day. They waited for hours to learn the outcome, only to hear at 11:08 P.M. that Troy Davis had died of lethal injection. Davis’ tragic story…